Time Weekly, founded in 1923, is one of the first Newsweeks to appear more than half a century ago. It provides a window for new and growing international readers to learn about global news. Time is one of the three major current affairs weekly magazines in the United States. It has a wide range of contents. It publishes opinions on international issues and keeps track of major international events.
Do you know Time Weekly's Listed Persons and Special Treatment?
The cover of the special issue of Time will be published on May 5, 2011. Time magazine also revealed that,
The cover photo of the special issue will be very special. It will be a picture of Osama bin Laden, but his face will be marked with a big red fork. This is the fourth "special treatment" given to a character in the history of Time magazine.
In May 1945, Time magazine launched a special edition, when Hitler's face was marked with a red fork.
On the cover of Time magazine on August 20, 1945, Japan was marked with a big black fork and a striking headline: Falling Japan.
On April 21, 2003, the U.S. military invaded Baghdad, the capital of Iraq, and Saddam's regime collapsed. Time magazine launched the cover with a red-forked Saddam's head.
In June 2006, bin Laden's deputy and Al Qaeda's No. 3, Zarqawi, was killed, and Time magazine once again used red-forked photos as its cover.
Person of the Year is selected by Time magazine at the end of each year. Despite being called a "character of the wind and clouds", the selected targets can be men, women, couples, a group of people, regions, machines and even ideas. What matters is whether it's good or bad, but what's most influential in the past year.
Do you know Time Weekly's Listed Persons and Special Treatment?
1927: Charles Lindbergh (1902-1974)
1928: Walter Chrysler (1875-1940)
1929: Irving Young (1874-1962)
1930: Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948)
1931: Pierre Rival (1883-1945)
1932: Franklin Delano Roosevelt (1882-1945)
1933: Hugh Samuel Johnson (1882-1942)
1934: Franklin Delano Roosevelt (1882-1945) (second)
1935: Haier Selassie I (1892-1975)
1936: Wallis Simpson (1896-1986) John Pierpont Morgan (1896-1986)
1937: Chiang Kai-shek (1887-1975) and Song Meiling (1897-2003)
1938: Adolf Hitler (1889-1945)
1939: Joseph Stalin (1879-1953)
1940: Winston Churchill (1874-1965)
Do you know Time Weekly's Listed Persons and Special Treatment?
1941: Franklin Delano Roosevelt (1882-1945) (third)
1942: Joseph Stalin (1879-1953) (second)
1943: George Cartwright Marshall (1880-1959)
1944: Dwight Eisenhower (1890-1969)
1945: Harry S. Truman (1884-1972)
1946: James F. Burns (1879-1972)
1947: George Cartwright Marshall (1880-1959) (second)
1948: Harry S. Truman (1884-1972) (second)
1949: Winston Churchill (1874-1965) (second) (half-century character)
1950: American Soldier: Represented by American Soldier in the Korean War (First "abstract" concept selected)
1951: Mohammed Mosatai (1882-1967)
1952: Queen Elizabeth II (b. 1926)
1953: Conrad Adenauer (1876-1967)
1954: John Foster Dulles (1888-1959)
1955: Harlow Codis (1893-1962)
1956: Hungarian Freedom Fighter
1957: Nikita Sergeyevich Khrushchev (1894-1971)
1958: Charles de Gaulle (1890-1970)
1959: Dwight Eisenhower (1890-1969) (second)
1960: American Scientists (Representatives: Leonard Pauline, Isido Rabbi, Edward Taylor, Joshua Ledberg, Donald A. Grazer, Willard Libby, Robert Woodward, Charles Trappel, William Shockley, Emilio G. Segre, John Enders, Charles) · Thomas, George Biddle, James von Allen and Edward Percel)
1961: John F. Kennedy (1917-1963)
1962: Jowang 23 (1881-1963)
1963: Martin Luther King (1929-1968)
1964: Lyndon Johnson (1908-1973)
1965: William Westmoreland (1914-2005)
1966: Persons aged 25 and under
1967: Linden Johnson (1908-1973) (second)
1968: Astronauts: Frank Bollman (b. 1928), Jim Lowell (b. 1928), William Anders (b. 1933)
1969: Middle-class Americans
1970: Willie Brandt (1913-1992)
1971: Richard Nixon (1913-1994)
1972: Richard Nixon (1913-1994) (second) and Henry Kissinger (b. 1923)
1973: John Silica (1904-1992)
1974: Faisal Ibn Abdul Aziz Saudi Arabia (1906-1975)
1975: American Women: (Representatives: Betty Ford, Carla Hills, Ella Grasso, Barbara Jordan, Susie Sharp, Jill Conway, Billy Jane King, Susan Brown Miller, Eddie Witt, Catherine Bailey, Carol Seyton and Alison Chick)
1976: Jimmy Carter (b. 1924)
1977: Mohamed Anwar Sadat (1918-1981)
1978: Deng Xiaoping (1904-1997)
1979: Ruhola Khomeini (1902-1989)
1980: Ronald Reagan (1911-2004)
1981: Lech Wavensa (b. 1943)
1982: Personal Computer (First Non-Personal Access)
1983: Ronald Reagan (1911-2004) (second) and Yuri Andropov (1914-1984)
1984: Peter Ueberroth (b. 1937)
1985: Deng Xiaoping
1986: Corazon Aquino (b. 1933)
1987: Mikhail Gorbachev (b. 1931)
1988: Endangered Earth ("Annual Wind and Cloud Planet")
1989: Mikhail Gorbachev (b. 1931) (second)
1990: George H. W. Bush (b. 1924)
1991: Ted Turner (b. 1938)
1992: Bill Clinton (b. 1946)
1993: Peace Builders: Nelson Mandela (1918-2013), Federico de Clark (b.1936), Yasser Arafat (1929-2004) and Itzhak Rabin (1922-1995)
1994: John Paul II (1920-2005)
1995: Newt Gingrich (b.1943)
1996: He Dayi (b. 1952) and Wang Fei (b. 1969)
1997: Andy Grove (b. 1936)
1998: Bill Clinton (b.1946) (second) and Kenneth Stahl (b.1946) (President of the United States and Independent Prosecutor)
1999: Jeff Bezos (b. 1964) (CEO of Amazon online Bookstore)
Persons of the Century: Albert Einstein (1879-1955)
2000: George W. Bush (b. 1946)
2001: Rudolph Giuliani (b.1944)
2002: Whistler: Cynthia Cooper of World Communications (b. 1963), Sharon Watkins of Enron (b. 1959), and Colin Rawley of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (b. 1954)
2003: American Soldier (second)
2004: George W. Bush (b. 1946) (second)
2005: Benevolent Samaritans: Bono (b. 1960), Bill Gates (b. 1955), and Melinda Gates (b. 1964)
2006: "You": refers to a group of netizens who use User-generated content (such as YouTube, Wikipedia, MySpace, etc.) in the era of Internet popularization.
Do you know Time Weekly's Listed Persons and Special Treatment?
2007: Vladimir Putin (b.1952)
2008: Barack Obama (b. 1961)
2009: Ben Bernanke (born 1953)
2010: Mark Zuckerberg (born in 1984)
2011: "Demonstrators" (on behalf of demonstration movements throughout the world, such as those in Greece, India and Russia. Steve Jobs, who had been vocal before, was not elected.)
2012: The editorial office of Time magazine, Barack Obama (born 1961, second time), says that the United States is in the midst of tremendous cultural and demographic changes, and that Barack Obama is both a symbol of these changes and a driving force behind them.
2013: Francisco (born 1936)
2014: Ebola patient care staff [5]
2015: Angela Merkel (b.1954 [6])
2016: Donald Trump (b. 1946)
“Times Weekly is very influential. It has a long history. After a century, it has become a kind of historical culture.” Mr. Niu, at gmtlight.