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Can I use LED flash cup to drink Maotai liquor?

   Release date: 2020-09-16     Hits: 409     Comment: 0    
Note: To drink Chinese liquor, Maotai is the best. But Maotai is too expensive, 200 dollars a bottle.A friend asked me, can I use LED flash cup to drink Maotai liquor?Let's see what Maotai is first?Maot

To drink Chinese liquor, Maotai is the best. But Maotai is too expensive, 200 dollars a bottle.

A friend asked me, can I use LED flash cup to drink Maotai liquor?

Let's see what Maotai is first?

Maotai liquor is a traditional specialty of China. It is one of the world's three famous distilled liquors, which is as famous as Scotch whisky and French cognac brandy. It is also one of China's three famous liquor "maowujian". It is also the originator of Daqu Maotai flavor liquor, with a history of more than 800 years.

The style and quality of Guizhou Maotai liquor is characterized by "outstanding Maotai flavor, elegant and delicate taste, mellow liquor body, long aftertaste and lasting fragrance in empty cup". Its special style comes from the unique traditional brewing technology formed through years of accumulation. The brewing method is combined with the agricultural production in Chishui River Basin. Affected by the environment, seasonal production, Dragon Boat Festival koji and Chongyang feeding are retained Some primitive traces of life there.

In 1996, Maotai liquor technology was determined as a state secret to be protected. In 2001, the traditional technology of Maotai liquor was listed in the first batch of national material and cultural heritage. In 2006, the State Council approved the "traditional brewing technology of Maotai liquor" to be listed in the first batch of national intangible cultural heritage list, and declared the world intangible cultural heritage. On February 14, 2003, the former General Administration of quality supervision, inspection and Quarantine of the people's Republic of China (AQSIQ) approved the implementation of the protection of the products of origin and geographical origin for "Maotai liquor". On March 28, 2013, the former General Administration of quality supervision, inspection and Quarantine of the people's Republic of China approved the adjustment of the protection name and scope of the geographical indication products of "Maotai liquor".

Can you use LED flash cup to drink Maotai liquor?

We informed the relevant wine experts, the reply is not recommended to use LED flash cup. Maotai liquor is equipped with special glasses, so there is no need to buy another glass. The most important thing is that drinking Maotai liquor is a very regular thing, and it seems a little lax to use LED flash cup.

In China, Maotai is a luxury. Few people can afford Maotai,I am 50 years old, never drink Maotai liquor before.

Keyword: maotai+liquor
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