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What is the Middle East? What countries are included in the Middle East?

   Release date: 2021-02-03     Hits: 356     Comment: 0    
Note: What is the Middle East? What countries are included in the Middle East?The Middle East has been in constant war for decades, but many people don't know the scope of the Middle East. What is the M

What is the Middle East? What countries are included in the Middle East?

The Middle East has been in constant war for decades, but many people don't know the scope of the Middle East. What is the Middle East? What countries are included in the Middle East?

Middle East, English: Middle East, Arabic: اشرقالوسطط, Hebrew: הזחיון, Persian: خارممینه. The Middle East refers to some areas from the southern part of the eastern Mediterranean to the coast of the Persian Gulf, including most of West Asia except afghanistan, Egypt in Africa and the Transcaucasia on the border with Russia. about 23 countries and regions, more than 15 million square kilometers, 490 million people.

middle east

The climate types in the Middle East are mainly tropical desert climate, including subtropical desert climate, Mediterranean climate and temperate continental climate, among which the tropical desert climate is the most widely distributed. The terrain is mainly plateau and plain. The main rivers in the Middle East are the Euphrates and the Nile. Geographically, the Middle East connects Asia, Europe and Africa. The communication between the Atlantic Ocean and the Indian Ocean has been the transportation hub between the East and the West since ancient times. It is a place of "two oceans, three continents and five seas". Its strategic position is extremely important. In order to compete for scarce fresh water resources and precious oil resources, and due to religious and cultural differences, the situation has been turbulent all the year round after World War II.

After World War II, under the circumstances of Britain's active support for Zionism, the United Nations General Assembly adopted resolution 181 (2) on November 29, 1947, on the future governance of Palestine: Britain ended its mandate before August 1, 1948; within two months after the end of the mandate, the Arab state and the Jewish state were established; Jerusalem and its nearby villages and towns were 158 square kilometers as an independent state The body is managed by the United Nations.

On May 14, 1948, Britain ended its appointed rule over Palestine. On May 14, 1948, Israel announced its founding. Ten minutes later, the United States recognized the state of Israel. Twelve hours later, the Arab coalition attacked Israel. Three days later, the Soviet Union recognized the state of Israel. After that, the informal war between Jews and Arabs in Palestine began. From February to July 1949, Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan and Syria signed armistice agreements with Israel respectively (Iraq did not sign armistice agreements with Israel). Palestine is occupied by Israel except for parts of the West Bank and Gaza. Nearly a million Palestinian Arabs have been driven out of their homes and become refugees.

What countries are included in the Middle East?

"Middle East" is a general geographical term used by Europeans. There is no accurate conclusion at home and abroad on which countries and regions the concept includes. It generally refers to West Asia, North Africa, about 23 countries and regions, more than 15 million square kilometers and 490 million people.

Countries and regions in West Asia include: Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates, Oman, Qatar, Bahrain, Turkey, Israel, Palestine, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Yemen, Cyprus, Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan.

North African countries and regions include: Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Madeira Islands, Azores and Western Sahara.

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