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Difference between novel coronavirus pneumonia and common influenza

   Release date: 2021-01-09     Hits: 101     Comment: 0    
Note: Novel coronavirus pneumonia is different from common cold and influenza according to experts from CDC in China, gmtlight.The common cold is mainly manifested as nasal congestion, runny nose, sneezing

Novel coronavirus pneumonia is different from common cold and influenza according to experts from CDC in China, gmtlight.

The common cold is mainly manifested as nasal congestion, runny nose, sneezing and other upper respiratory symptoms. Severe cases may be accompanied by fever, fatigue, headache, joint pain and other symptoms. The general performance is generally mild, and it usually returns to health in 3-5 days, which will not cause serious complications. The common cold is less infectious and will not cause a pandemic.

Influenza is a respiratory infectious disease caused by influenza virus infection, which can appear high fever, sore throat, muscle soreness, fatigue, loss of appetite and other symptoms, but most of them can recover in 5-7 days, and only a few high-risk groups may have severe complications such as pneumonia, or even life-threatening. Influenza is highly infectious and can cause seasonal epidemics every year.

Novel coronavirus pneumonia is caused by new crown virus infection. Fever, dry cough and fatigue are the main manifestations. Severe patients often suffer from dyspnea or hypoxemia after a week of onset. Severe cases can rapidly progress to acute respiratory distress syndrome, septic shock, difficult metabolic metabolic acidosis, coagulation dysfunction and multiple organ failure, and few patients can have middle respiratory syndrome. The central nervous system was involved and the extremities were necrotic.

The major differences between novel coronavirus pneumonia and cold and influenza are as follows:

Most of the patients with new coronavirus infection will have pneumonia, and the proportion of severe cases is higher than that of influenza. However, patients with cold and influenza will only have pneumonia if they are not treated in time or in very few cases.

Experts said that the new coronavirus is a brand new virus, and its research and understanding are still in-depth. It can be determined that the new coronavirus is more infectious than influenza, which is easy to cause interpersonal transmission. Due to the general lack of immunity, it is easy to break out in crowded places. Moreover, the novel coronavirus pneumonia epidemic is not obvious seasonal, so long as the prevention and control measures are not implemented, there is always a risk of epidemic.


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