People who do foreign trade will be exposed to HS code, each commodity is classified as a HS code. Accurate HS code is very important for customs declaration, otherwise it may cause trouble in customs clearance.
What is HS code?
Customs code, namely HS code, is the English abbreviation of coding coordination system. The full name of HS code is International Convention for harmonized commodity description and coding system. The English abbreviation is harmonized system, and the abbreviation is HS.
HS code came into being in June 1983. It is a commodity classification and coding system for customs, statistics, import and export management and common use with all parties involved in international trade. HS Code "coordination" covers the "CCCN" and the "United Nations Standard Classification of international trade" (SITC) two major classification and coding system, is a systematic, multi-purpose international trade commodity classification system. In addition to customs tariff and trade statistics, it provides a useful classification system for international trade commodities in terms of billing, statistics, computer data transmission, simplification of international trade documents and utilization of GSP tax numbers.
Since January 1, 1992, China's import and export tariff has adopted the World Customs Organization's harmonized system of commodity names and codes (HS for short). This system is a scientific and systematic commodity classification system for international trade. It adopts six digit codes and is applicable to tariff, statistics, production, transportation, trade control, inspection and quarantine, etc. at present, more than 98% of the global trade volume uses HS Catalog has become a standard language for international trade. China's import and export tariff adopts ten digit code, the first eight are equivalent to HS code, and the last two are Chinese subheadings. It is a two digit code extended on the basis of HS classification principles and methods according to the actual situation of China's import and export commodities.