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What are the types of resins?

   Release date: 2021-03-30     Source: types of resins     Hits: 115     Comment: 0    
Note: What are the types of resins?In modern production and life, resin materials are inseparable from us. Mr. Niu of gmtlight materials department is here to introduce the classification of resins.Resins b

What are the types of resins?

In modern production and life, resin materials are inseparable from us. Mr. Niu of gmtlight materials department is here to introduce the classification of resins.

types of resins

Resins by source

There are natural resin and synthetic resin. Natural resin refers to the amorphous organic substances obtained from animal and plant secretions in nature, such as rosin, amber, shellac, etc. Synthetic resin is a kind of resin product obtained by chemical synthesis of simple organic compounds or chemical reaction of some natural products, such as phenolic resin, polyvinyl chloride resin, etc. synthetic resin is the main component of plastics.

Resins are classified according to synthetic reaction methods

According to this method, the resin can be divided into adduct and polycondensate. Adduct refers to the polymer prepared by addition polymerization. The chemical formula of its chain structure is the same as that of monomer, such as polyethylene, polystyrene, polytetrafluoroethylene, etc.

Polycondensation refers to the polymer prepared by condensation polymerization. The chemical formula of its structural unit is different from that of monomer, such as phenolic resin, polyester resin, polyamide resin, etc.

Resins are classified according to the composition of molecular backbone

According to this method, the resin can be divided into carbon chain polymer, heterochain polymer and elemental organic polymer.

Carbon chain polymer is a kind of polymer whose main chain is composed of carbon atoms, such as polyethylene, polystyrene and so on.

Heterochain polymer is a kind of polymer whose main chain is composed of carbon, oxygen, nitrogen and sulfur, such as polyoxymethylene, polyamide, polysulfone and polyether.

Elemental organic polymer refers to the main chain does not necessarily contain carbon atoms, mainly composed of silicon, oxygen, aluminum, titanium, boron, sulfur, phosphorus and other elements, such as organic silicon.

types of resins

Resins are classified by physical and chemical properties

Thermosetting resin (generally used for FRP): unsaturated polyester / vinyl ester / epoxy / phenolic / bismaLEImide (BMI) / polyimide resin, etc.

Thermoplastic resin: PP / PC / nylon / PEEK / PES, etc.

Synthetic resin is a kind of synthetic polymer. The most important application of synthetic resin is to make plastics. It is often used to improve the processing properties of plastics. Synthetic resin is also the basic raw material for manufacturing synthetic fibers, coatings, adhesives, insulating materials, etc. There are many kinds of synthetic resins, among which polyethylene (PE), polyvinyl chloride (PVC), polystyrene (PS), polypropylene (PP) and ABS are the most widely used synthetic resins.

It is also necessary for consumers to master the knowledge of resin. You can have a deeper understanding of what kind of resin you are using, so as to control the safety performance of products.

Keyword: types of resins
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